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Vehicle Maintenance

Fort Bliss – vehicle maintenance

Fort Bliss Army

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The Ask

As part of the U.S. Army’s “Grow the Army” initiative, which was intended to increase the Army’s size by nearly 75,000 soldiers, Fort Bliss was scheduled to receive upgrades in 2005. Among these needed improvements was the addition of six structures that could serve as vehicle inspection and maintenance facilities.

How Sprung Delivered

Sprung supplied Fort Bliss with six 70’ x 160’ structures to serve as vehicle maintenance facilities at the site. Featuring electric exhaust systems and spacious, clear-span interiors, the structures provided ample room for working on the base’s large vehicles. In addition to the vehicle maintenance buildings, Sprung supplied Fort Bliss with five other structures, including an insulated gymnasium, an insulated dining facility, queuing structures for the dining facility, and a warehouse.

The Specs

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