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Fort Knox United States Army

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The Ask

In recent years Fort Knox has acquired quite a few training programs on base. When personnel come to the base for training they spend time both in the classroom and in the field. Like many other bases that have been around since before WWII, Fort Knox has many locations on base with existing concrete pads where WWII barracks once stood. While the barracks structures themselves were not designed to last, the concrete is still in good condition. Previously the training programs would issue tents (GP mediums) to the soldiers and have them locate the tents on top of the concrete pads. These tents proved to be a very costly logistical and maintenance nightmare. This drove them to search for a better option.

How Sprung Delivered

Sprung delivered 24 durable structures to Fort Knox, all built using our patented tensioned membrane technology. The 23 individual housing units and one dining hall came fully insulated to guard from the elements. Notably, the dining hall was also used resourcefully as a “thawing station” when water trucks began freezing outside in inclement weather.

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