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Homeless Navigation Centers

LA Schrader Blvd Bridge Shelter

Los Angeles

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The Ask

In recent years, the number of people in Los Angeles experiencing homelessness has skyrocketed, with encampments cropping up in nearly every part of the city. As diseases and infections such as Hepatitis A, typhus, and tuberculosis were mounting in LA’s unhoused population, the City of Los Angeles wanted to find solutions to avoid a major outbreak.

After learning about Sprung Structure’s vital role in assisting the Mayor of San Diego during a Hepatitis A outbreak among that city’s unsheltered homeless population, officials from the City of Los Angeles toured San Diego’s Sprung-built bridge shelters and felt that Sprung could help support LA’s own Bridge Home program.

How Sprung Delivered

As of Fall 2023, the City of Los Angeles has ordered and installed 13 rapidly constructed Sprung structures at 12 different sites around the city. They serve as 24/7 managed care environments for those being devastated by homelessness. Architects at the Los Angeles Bureau of Engineers were drawn to Sprung’s aesthetics, especially the ability to add optional glazing walls. They provide additional natural light thereby creating a brighter and positive atmosphere for the residents. Sprung Structures stands ready to serve the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, and LAHSA (Los Angeles Housing and Services Authority) with additional facilities for the homeless.

The first of Sprung’s LA-based bridge shelters was built in 2019 at 1533 Schrader Boulevard. Constructed on an elevated concrete foundation, this fully insulated 60’ x 120’ structure has beds for up to 100 people, as well as ample office space and day-use areas. With nearby trailers offering restroom and shower facilities, the structure provides security, stability and a variety of services to the neighborhood’s unhoused population.


“Sprung, in partnership with the City of Los Angeles, created safe space for hundreds of Angelinos who were living on the streets. City parking lots were transformed in months into ‘A Bridge Home’ interim housing sites where our unhoused neighbors find safety, services, and support on their journey toward permanent housing. The Sprung structures are an unobtrusive yet powerful reminder of what can happen when communities and industry work together to help our most vulnerable citizens.”

Thank you, Sprung!”

– Jennifer Hark Dietz, CEO of PATH, one of the many service providers operating a Sprung bridge shelter in Los Angeles.


The Specs

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