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Pearl Harbor – Aviation Museum

Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum

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The Ask

Sprung has been working with the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum since it opened in 2006. But it wasn’t until the impending arrival of a highly popular traveling exhibit by Raytheon, called MathAlive!, that the museum had the opportunity and budget to finally order a Sprung Structure to be delivered to historic Ford Island in the heart of Pearl Harbor.

How Sprung Delivered

The Raytheon Pavilion opened at the museum in 2016. Housed inside a 50’ x 82’ Sprung structure, this fully insulated, permanent pavilion is located by the outdoor collection of historic and modern helicopters. It stands between Hangars 37 and 79 and offers visitors an ever-changing roster of experiences — traveling exhibits within the Raytheon Pavilion cover everything from the future of aviation to the heroes of World War II.

The Specs

Start Your Project
Plan Your Structure

Let’s Talk