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Port of Los Angeles Terminal – Baggage

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The Ask

The Port of Los Angeles required an enclosed structure to serve as a much-needed auxiliary baggage handling facility at the cruise terminal.

How Sprung Delivered

Sprung delivered a 74,000-square-foot, 130’ x 535’ structure to the Port of Los Angeles in San Pedro Bay. Serving a vital role in baggage handling operations at the World Cruise Center, the structure features connecting corridors that attach to the cruise terminal’s main facility, as well as a nine-inch fiberglass insulation package, a Dupont Tedlar Salem Blue exterior membrane, eight 14’ x 14’ rolling service doors, ten double personnel doors and three double glass doors. Speed of delivery and construction were big factors in the Port of Los Angles selecting a Sprung structure as the product of choice for this high-profile solution.

The Specs

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